Chris Janese on Hotel Etiquette Tips Every Traveler Should Know

Chris Janese
4 min readFeb 16, 2024


Traveling offers an opportunity to meet people and create memories. An integral part of this experience is the time spent in hotels, which serve as a temporary home away from home. Hotel stays, while enjoyable, come with an unwritten code of conduct to ensure that all guests can enjoy a pleasant and respectful environment. Understanding and adhering to hotel etiquette is essential for every traveler. It’s not just about making a good impression; it’s about contributing to a positive experience for everyone involved, from fellow guests to the hotel staff. This etiquette encompasses everything from how you interact with staff and other guests to how you treat the amenities and facilities available. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or planning your first getaway, knowing these unwritten rules can enhance your stay and ensure smooth interactions during your travels.

Historically, hotels have been more than just places to sleep; they are spaces where people from different backgrounds converge, necessitating a set of shared expectations to govern behavior. The concept of hotel etiquette has evolved over time but remains rooted in the basic tenets of courtesy, respect, and awareness of one’s impact on others. This etiquette helps maintain a harmonious environment, ensuring that all guests feel welcomed, valued, and comfortable. It also extends to the relationship between guests and hotel employees, who are often the unsung heroes ensuring the smooth operation of the establishment. Recognizing their efforts and treating them with respect is a crucial aspect of guest etiquette. As travel becomes increasingly accessible and hotels adapt to new technologies and societal changes, the importance of understanding and practicing good hotel etiquette has never been more important. It ensures that the evolving landscape of hospitality remains inviting and respectful for all.

Respect for Hotel Staff

Respecting hotel staff is a cornerstone of proper hotel etiquette. Acknowledging hard work and treating them with kindness fosters a positive atmosphere. Simple gestures, tipping appropriately, and showing patience during busy times reflect well on a guest and contribute to a culture of mutual respect. It’s also important to remember that hotel employees are there to assist, not to serve as personal servants. Making unreasonable demands or displaying a sense of entitlement can create unnecessary tension and diminish the quality of interaction for both parties. When issues arise, addressing them calmly and respectfully ensures that problems can be resolved efficiently and amicably. Recognizing the humanity of the staff by asking how their day is going or expressing genuine appreciation for their assistance can transform a transactional interaction into a human connection. This respect not only enhances your stay but also contributes to a positive work environment for the staff, fostering a cycle of goodwill and appreciation that benefits everyone involved.

Consideration for Other Guests

Consideration for other guests is equally important in practicing good hotel etiquette. Noise levels are a common concern; maintaining a reasonable volume in your room, hallways, and common areas ensures that everyone’s stay is undisturbed. This includes minimizing loud conversations, television volume, and any other noise that could intrude on the peace of fellow guests, especially during nighttime hours. Additionally, shared facilities such as pools, gyms, and lounges are there for the enjoyment of all guests. Practicing good manners, such as not monopolizing equipment, cleaning up after yourself, and respecting posted rules, contributes to a pleasant environment for everyone. Being mindful of your behavior in public areas, including dressing appropriately and respecting space boundaries, also plays a crucial role in maintaining a comfortable atmosphere. Encounters with other guests provide an opportunity to display courtesy, whether it’s holding the elevator door, offering a friendly greeting, or simply smiling as you pass by in the hallway. These small acts of consideration can significantly impact the overall vibe of the hotel, promoting a sense of community and shared respect among guests from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Care for Your Room

Taking care of your hotel room is a fundamental aspect of guest etiquette. Treating your temporary accommodation with respect means avoiding damage to furniture, fixtures, and amenities. It’s important to remember that actions like smoking in a non-smoking room, leaving excessive messes, or removing items that are not meant to be taken can have negative consequences, including charges to your account or making the room unavailable for the next guest on time. Being mindful of resource usage, such as towels and electricity, also falls under room care. Simple but efficient methods to support environmental conservation efforts and show appreciation for the hotel’s resources include reusing towels for an additional day and turning off lights and devices when not in use. Additionally, communicating any accidental damages or issues with the room promptly allows the hotel to address and resolve them efficiently, ensuring that future guests do not encounter the same problems.

Hotel etiquette is more than a set of guidelines; it’s a reflection of respect and consideration for all parties involved in the hotel experience. By respecting hotel staff, showing consideration for other guests, and taking care of your room, you contribute to a positive atmosphere that enhances everyone’s stay. These practices embody the essence of good travel manners, ensuring that hotels remain welcoming spaces for all types of travelers. As the world becomes more interconnected and travel continues to evolve, embracing these etiquette tips is crucial for fostering understanding and appreciation among diverse groups of people. Remember, the memories you create while traveling are not just about the places you visit but also about how you interact with others along the way. Practicing good hotel etiquette not only ensures a pleasant stay for yourself but also leaves a lasting positive impact on those around you, contributing to a culture of kindness and respect in the world of travel. As we continue to explore and experience new destinations, let’s carry these principles with us, making every hotel stay a testament to the values of respect, consideration, and care that define the best of travel experiences.

Originally published at on February 16, 2024.



Chris Janese

Chris Janese is the dedicated CEO of The Green Room, an event services company based in Rancho Sante Fe. Visit: